28.01.2013Creating a Regional German-Dutch Energy Market: The Role of Law
17.10.2012- 18.10.2012Göttingen Energy Conference 2013
04.12.2012Anniversary Conference IBER

Creating a Regional German-Dutch Energy Market: The Role of Law

Joint Workshop of the Groningen Centre of Energy Law of the University of Groningen and the Institute for German and International Mining and Energy Law of the TU Clausthal in Hannover on the topic:

"Creating a Regional German - Dutch Energy Market: The Role of Law".

Göttingen Energy Conference 2013

5th Göttingen Conference of Energy Research Center Lower Saxony (EFZN) and Federal Network Agency on current issues concerning the development of energy supply networks with the topic:

"Network security in times of energy transition - legal, technical and economic aspects of feed-in management and redispatch"

You can find more information here.

Anniversary Conference IBER for the 50th anniversary of the institute

Anniversary Conference of the Institute of German and International Mining and Energy Law of the Clausthal University of Technology with the topic:

"Energy Networks, EEG and Energy Transition"

The program can be found here.

The lectures can be found here:

The lectures of the event can be found in Energienetze, EEG und Energiewende - 50 Jahre Institut für deutsches und internationales Berg- und Energierecht der TU Clausthal (Publications of the Institute for Energy Law at the University of Cologne Vol. 178). Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2014.